Refurbishing the Laukhuff Organ

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Our organ vamps it up!

St Ignatius Parish is blessed with a wonderful parish music ministry led by Dr Anthony Young, skilled musicians and the choirs. Anthony often says, however, that the most important church choir is the one in the pews, and he values the organ’s ability to support the congregation’s singing. It helps that St Ignatius Church has not one but two organs!

Recently the cabinet of our 1950s organ – perched up in the old choirloft – was thrown open for a good clean and some necessary repairs by Pierce Pipe Organs.

Read the story Anthony tells about the history of our organ and see the photos below of the dirt and destruction of 63 years. Watch Anthony putting the organ through its paces – playing his way through a history of religious music with detours via Dracula and the early theatre. Our thanks to the O’Neill family who stayed after mass to serve as an enthusiastic audience and even learned how to make the sound of a spaceship cruising overhead – did you know organs were used for the first sci-fi film sound effects?

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