Safeguarding News

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Archdiocese of Brisbane has released a revised Volunteers Matrix.

“Standard & Matrix – Volunteer Safeguarding Accreditation Requirements”.

It now comprises of only 28 volunteer roles  and no longer includes some “low risk” volunteer roles.  However, members of religious institutes are now to be included (on Matrix) and deemed “volunteer status” if attached or involved with a parish and need to compliant with accreditation.

The number of roles required to have a ‘Police Check’ have been reduced.

Prior Conduct Declaration (form) now includes a “restricted person” criterion – this allows parishes to assess suitability for specific volunteer roles – depending on direct involvement with children and adults at risk. 

Video OperatorsMatrix now includes role “Photographers/Video Operators (including live-streaming)” which requires those  volunteers to be registered and compliant with Matrix requirements, including to hold a Blue Card. Therefore, volunteers for Projector Roster at 5pm Sunday Mass (St Ignatius Church), which is ‘livestreamed’, have been contacted about this change. 

Revised Blue Card Application/Renewal Forms, issued by ‘Blue Card Services’, have been supplied by AoB and available to new volunteers or those renewing their Blue Card who are unable to complete same online via ‘Blue Card Services’ website.

“De-linking” Blue Cards. Parishioners who are no longer actively volunteering in parish or their role in the parish no longer requires a Blue Card will be “de-linked” from the Archdiocese of Brisbane.  This action does not  necessarily cancel their Blue Card, just removes them as a volunteer in the parish (Archdiocese of Brisbane).

Police Checks.  New forms have been received from the AoB and replace those previous editions (only minor changes to the form and ID options).   ‘Hard copy’ application form is available for those unable to complete same online via parish link.

Children 14 years and over may volunteer with written consent from parent.  They must complete Safeguarding training,

sign Conduct Declaration (co-signed by parent/guardian), however exempt from Blue Card/Police Check requirements. 

Safe Conduct Standards. All volunteers continue to be required to sign the ‘Safe Conduct Standards’ form (as a once-off).

Safeguarding Training. Completion of ‘Safeguarding Training’ is a requirement under the ‘National Catholic Safeguarding Standards ’.  Volunteers must complete this training every two years (online). 

Thank you so much to all our volunteers for your time & efforts, to assist our Parish.

-Janine Curcuruto, Toowong Parish LSR

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