All requests for refunds must be made in writing (email or post as detailed below).

The request should have the details of the initial donation/payment including the date, amount, name of the donor/payee, receipt number and the nature of the error.

For errors made by the St Ignatius’ Catholic Parish or its financial institution a full refund will be made upon notification, and all costs borne by the St Ignatius Catholic Parish.

For errors in amount donated, the donor has 60 days in which to notify the St Ignatius’ Catholic Parish.

The St Ignatius’ Catholic Parish is under no obligation to give a refund if an error has been made on your part, but will endeavour to ensure that any genuine errors (such as to the amount donated) are rectified.

The St Ignatius’ Catholic Parish, which is a non-profit organisation, reserves the right to deduct any bank or transaction charges for any refund processed onto the donor.