Rite of Christian Initiation for Children

Baptism of school-aged children

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) is the process by which children and young people, generally of school age, can prepare for Baptism and the Sacraments of Initiation.


At St Ignatius Parish, the RCIC is open to those who wish to prepare their school-age child for the Sacraments of Initiation. This includes children and young people:

  • who have not been baptised;
  • who have been baptised and wish to prepare to receive the sacraments they have missed since Baptism, such as Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation;
  • who were baptised in another Christian church and now want to journey to full communion with the Catholic Church.

Whether your family is just entering the Church, is returning after time away, have decided as a family to delay a child’s sacramental preparation, or any other circumstance, we welcome your expression of interest in the RCIC.

RCIC Program

The RCIC is seen as a developmental journey in faith. It progresses through gradual stages, and over time it introduces the candidates to our parish community of faith and worship. The preparation follows the structure of the Adult Rite of Christian Initiation, with each session leading to the next.

We recognise that each child and young person comes into the RCIC program with different needs. Taking into consideration their age and levels of maturity, the goal of the RCIC is to provide candidates with an understanding of what it means to know and love God, and to live a Christian life as a Catholic Christian.

RCIC Schedule

The candidates attend RCIC classes on a regular basis, dependent upon the candidate’s needs. 

Children and young people in the RCIC who have been successfully prepared will receive the sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist – during the Easter Vigil or at another suitable time. Those who have been baptised and are prepared for the sacraments of Confirmation, Eucharist or Penance will celebrate these sacraments at a negotiated time.

Parent and Sponsor Involvement

The RCIC sessions are designed for both child/young person and parent participation, while the material sent home is intended to encourage and support family catechesis. The RCIC team includes not only the catechist and the child/young person but also parents and/or guardian of the participant as appropriate.

Every child/young person requires a sponsor. The sponsor is someone other than a parent, who can support the child in their Catholic journey. The sponsor must be a baptised and confirmed Catholic, who is over the age of 16, and is in good standing with the Catholic Church.

Register for Rite of Christian Initiation of Children

Please note, the parish is currently taking ENROLMENTS for an RCIC programme, in our ‘Community of Communities’ (parishes of Toowong, Indooroopilly & St Lucia). To enquire on RCIC for a school-aged child, please contact Anne Rego, Parish Pastoral Associate, via email OR speak to Fr Paul Fyfe SJ.

(For Baptism of infants and children up to 7 years old, please complete enrolment form on the Infant Baptism page (Registration Form) or contact the Parish Office 07 3870 7818 to discuss arrangements).

Other Considerations

Anyone outside the parish boundaries should make contact with their local parish priest and follow the local custom of the parish, or provide a letter from their parish priest giving permission for this sacrament to occur at St Ignatius Parish.

Growing in faith: As your child grows and develops, we would like to support you in their faith development. When it comes time for further Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation and Communion), you will have the opportunity to enrol your child in the programs and liturgical celebrations designed to support them in their growth in faith.