Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

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RCIA Needs Help

Inviting helpers for the parish’s RCIA programme AND those wishing to develop their faith and/or complete their sacraments or formally join the Catholic Church, to fill in one of the yellow A5 sheets (available near church doors) and hand it in to Parish Office or download copy of the form here or please speak with Fr Paul Fyfe SJ or call 0427 566 324 | E: fyfep@bne.catholic.net.au

St Ignatius Parish invites expressions of interest for adults considering becoming Catholic. The RCIA program will commence in September. Interested people should contact Fr Paul Fyfe SJ regarding this program. Please speak to Fr Paul or email parish office to register your interest.

The RCIA is best described as a journey of faith which passes through a number of different phases and focuses on conversion of heart and mind to Christ.

It is a gradual journey tailored to the needs of the individual! 

Candidates meet regularly with a group of people from the parish to gain an understanding of Catholic belief and practice. 

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