Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land

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Queen of peace,

Chosen daughter of a land still devastated by wars, hatred, violence.

We confidently address our plea to you:

Do not allow that Jesus’ tears at the sight of the Holy City which did not understand the gift of peace, may once again, fall into indifference and political Calculation.

Look at the Afflictions of so many mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, children, victims of destructive energies that are blind and without a future.

Inspire ways of dialogue, a vigorous will in solving problems and a collaboration of certain hope.

Don’t. let us ever get used to oppression, to

consider the struggles as ‘inevitable’, and the victims they produce as ‘collateral’.

Make sure that the logic of aggression does not prevail over good will and that the solution of many problems is not considered impossible.

Just like with your prayer in the midst of the Disciples on Pentecost, obtain from the Almighty, that situations, even if apparently insurmountable in the Holy Land, find ways of happy solution.


Ferdinand Cardinal Filoni

Grand Master of

The Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem

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